Protocolo de avaliação do desempenho tático individual de atletas de futebol em situação de jogo

Introduction: Soccer has evolved throughout time, since its creation in England in 19th century until today; it became one of the most popular sports in the world. The sport that once privileged physically and technically strong athletes, today it demands that the athletes be more and more complete,...

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Autor principal: Denis, Ricardo Silva
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Introduction: Soccer has evolved throughout time, since its creation in England in 19th century until today; it became one of the most popular sports in the world. The sport that once privileged physically and technically strong athletes, today it demands that the athletes be more and more complete, adding tactic and psychology as essential needs to each athlete. In this way, this paper aims to elaborate and valid an assessment protocol of tactical behavior from soccer players in a game situation. Methodology: This paper was developed in two steps: 1) elaboration of a protocol to assess young players’ the tactical behavior; 2) validation of the protocol’s content by specialists in this field. This protocol is composed by assessment form. This form is based on eight tactical principles and had to be filled out with the frequency of each principle, done or not done by the players during the soccer match. In the end, indicator rates of the tactical behavior of each athlete will be evaluated. In the end, indicator rates of the tactical behavior are generated for each evaluated athlete. In the second step, in order to validate (the logical, content and construct), the protocol was sent to eight evaluators, four from the academic field (masters and PhD of Physical Education), and four from practical field (minimum Specialization course required). Results: After the validation, all the 12 evaluated criteria were validated. The majority of them received the best evaluation, they were totally suitable according to the theory, practice and the aim of the protocol. Conclusion: In the end of this process, we obtained a validated instrument, with a validated rate of 90% and able to assess individual tactical development of soccer athletes during the match.