Análise comparativa dos métodos estático e dinâmicos da ação do vento em edifícios esbeltos de concreto armado segundo a NBR 6123/1988

In this work, the static and dynamics methods suggested in NBR 6123/1988 – Forces due to wind on buildings - were compared in order to formulate an important view for structural engineers to consider when analyzing the action of those forces on a building. Initially, three models of reinforced conc...

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Principais autores: Almeida, Diego Cadena de, Vidoto, Thiago Augusto Helvig
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: In this work, the static and dynamics methods suggested in NBR 6123/1988 – Forces due to wind on buildings - were compared in order to formulate an important view for structural engineers to consider when analyzing the action of those forces on a building. Initially, three models of reinforced concrete buildings, of medium and high slenderness, were designed, their section was constant and the heights used were 27, 41 and 55 floors. The entry parameters for the discrete dynamic method equations: natural frequency, vibration mode of the structures and respective displacements for free vibration, were obtained with SAP 2000 v.15 software. The forces due to wind action were calculated following the Brazilians Standard methods equations, and the structural analyses of those models were then estimated using SAP 2000 v.15 software, in which those forces were applied. Finally, comparative analyses were made between the calculated forces, vibration modes, bending moments, shear and axial efforts and horizontal displacements. After the analysis It was proved that, in general, when comparing the statics and dynamics methods, the first one is more conservative.