Sistema de controle de acesso baseado em reconhecimento de senha falada

The access control system developed in this work aims to provide a contemporary alternative for the security segment, using voice as the validation object. It is common to lose keys or forget passwords, so the usage of spoken phrases presents itself as a solution for these problems. The project has...

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Principais autores: Evaristo, Luiz Felipe Kim, Marinho, Tauan, Faxina, Tiago Henrique, Palte, Tiago Mariani
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The access control system developed in this work aims to provide a contemporary alternative for the security segment, using voice as the validation object. It is common to lose keys or forget passwords, so the usage of spoken phrases presents itself as a solution for these problems. The project has the differential of using a signal correlation algorithm, which is simpler and more efficient than those used by similar existing systems. It is also scalable, since it is connected to a database that allows the management of several accesses and users, providing a large span of applications for the system.