Tomada portátil para medição de consumo elétrico

In this work, it is presented the development of a portable electronic wall socket for measurement of electric energy consumption. To this end, a microcontroller circuit receives data from a current sensor that measures the power consumption. The results are made available on a local LCD (on the soc...

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Principais autores: Nobrega, Flávia de Andrade, Santi, Renata Bianca, Moreira, Vitória Garcia
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: In this work, it is presented the development of a portable electronic wall socket for measurement of electric energy consumption. To this end, a microcontroller circuit receives data from a current sensor that measures the power consumption. The results are made available on a local LCD (on the socket) and they are sent through Wi-Fi module to a web server. The motivation for this project was the need for a device that could help people control their energy costs; also active participation in the control of energy consumption plays a key part in reducing environmental impacts. The outlet displays the consumption in real time so that users can estimate, in real time, of the financial impact of the electrical devices they used.