Mediçao do coeficiente de espalhamento acústico de incidência aleatória em câmara reverberante em escala reduzida

The acoustic scattering coe!cient is an acoustic property related to the shape of the surface and it quantifies how much of the sound energy is being scattered specularly and non-specularly. The result of the acoustic scattering coe!cient measurement is mainly necessary for acoustics simulations in...

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Principais autores: Cavalcante, Ian Moreira, Felchack, Vinicius da Maia
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The acoustic scattering coe!cient is an acoustic property related to the shape of the surface and it quantifies how much of the sound energy is being scattered specularly and non-specularly. The result of the acoustic scattering coe!cient measurement is mainly necessary for acoustics simulations in order to approximate the numerical simulations results to the empirical results. The present study evaluates the random incidence scattering coe!cient in a scale reverberation chamber of sample surfaces on plaster and wood. The measurement technique used is based on the international standard ISO 17497-1 (2004) and the construction and dimensioning of the measuring apparatus is part of the scope. The samples used in previous studies were replicated, analyzed and the results discussed in order to ratify the reliability of the experiment. After the measurements, the results demonstrated that the scale reverberation chamber constructed is qualified according to the ISO 17497-1 (2004).