Modelo de sinalização escolar adaptado a educação infantil

The present project deals with the creation of a signage project for kindergarten, considering characteristics and needs of the target public, children from 0 to 6 years as the guiding aspects for the development of the model. The theoretical framework encompasses relevant studies to understand how...

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Autor principal: Frenkel, Bruna
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The present project deals with the creation of a signage project for kindergarten, considering characteristics and needs of the target public, children from 0 to 6 years as the guiding aspects for the development of the model. The theoretical framework encompasses relevant studies to understand how human beings perceive and interpret information; how children relate to images and texts and the educational environment; and the adequacy of an information design - environmental graphic design - by wayfinding and signaling devices. The signage acts as a means of communication and integration between the individuals and the space in which they are, and being done in an appropriate way for young children can facilitate their development - allowing different experiences and discoveries to children, by stimulating child plays, independence, interactions and the relation between imaginary and reality. Thus, an opportunity arises not only to create a more cheerful, fun and purposeful school space for children, but also to promote and become a tool for teaching. To collect the information needed to design the model - opinions, suggestions and inspirations - were conducted interviews with educators and visited two schools; market research to understand the different environments offered by primary schools in Curitiba; analysis of design strategies; and consult with specialists in both education and graphic design area. As a result, there was the creation of a prototype of a horizontal signaling model, appropriate, according to the parameters originated by the research, to the children's audience.