Jeca tatu: algumas reflexões sobre o caboclo brasileiro do início do século XX

This work of literary analysis aimed to present the welcome guided the life of Monteiro Lobato with the intention of presenting itself as a criticism made to the condition of the man of the field, as if it were a reality, to become possible to the public, a way of thinking about Brazil and its probl...

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Autor principal: Fernandes, Vanessa de Fátima de Paula
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This work of literary analysis aimed to present the welcome guided the life of Monteiro Lobato with the intention of presenting itself as a criticism made to the condition of the man of the field, as if it were a reality, to become possible to the public, a way of thinking about Brazil and its problems otherwise from another angle. The research of copyright and social rights has been given more attention to his works of regionalist, interiors. Urupês was the book delimited for the analysis, the book was made by 14 stories is elaborated with personages of the rural environment, where each one presents its way of life and its day. The book presents concepts that elucidate all aspects of what is done by Lobato, a criticism made by the knowledge of the life skills of the Tatu, which has no quality of life, either in health or education. Regina Zilberman's Children's Literature at School, Paranormal History of Children's Literature by Nelly Novaes and Coelho de Lobato a Bojunga - As Re-Renovated by Laura Sandroni. Based on theoretical data and on production, it was possible to present a life and other issues as the author traveled to then elaborate such work. It resulted in a job bringing a questioning with a character.