Análise dos níveis de ruído em motoristas de ônibus com motor dianteiro

This dissertation aims to analyze the noise levels produced during the workday for drivers who drive buses equipped with front engine in a company in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, State of Parana. The need for urban mobility resulting from the growth of cities, led to the use of the public tr...

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Autor principal: Cunha, Cícero Augusto Pinha da
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This dissertation aims to analyze the noise levels produced during the workday for drivers who drive buses equipped with front engine in a company in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, State of Parana. The need for urban mobility resulting from the growth of cities, led to the use of the public transport service grew increasingly. Although the modal public transport, the bus is the most used means of transportation in Brazil, the lack of attention and investment in this area causes dissatisfaction both for users and for those who work with shipping. The working conditions of bus drivers have caused the number of labor lawsuits against bus companies increase due to hearing loss. To check the levels of noise to which drivers are exposed dosimeter measurements and evaluated the impact caused by noise during working hours were conducted through questionnaires. All measured noise levels equivalent, total twenty, resulted in less than 85 dB (A), of these, only seven were between the level of action and tolerance. The questionnaire administered to 49 drivers shows that the effects of noise exposure in occupational health in drivers increase with longer service. Therefore, it is extremely important to constantly review, conducting audiometric tests periodically and medical care through routine screening for prevention of diseases directly or indirectly caused by noise exposure.