Aplicação do mini manual de BDI em uma empresa de climatização

The preparation of a budget work requires special attention to the composition of the BDI, it is at this stage of the calculation are included all overhead and profit to be transferred to the client. But, some companies are still unaware of the methods used, neglecting the inclusion of expenditure i...

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Autor principal: Daros, Amanda Ávila
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/19056
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Resumo: The preparation of a budget work requires special attention to the composition of the BDI, it is at this stage of the calculation are included all overhead and profit to be transferred to the client. But, some companies are still unaware of the methods used, neglecting the inclusion of expenditure in the final selling price. The result is a reduction of the real gain in the budget. This case study aims at developing a worksheet to calculate the BDI specific for an HVAC company, applying for work in three different sizes and therefore gain a comparison between the estimates made previously estimated with the BDI and the BDI calculated by this work. The method used was developed in the Mini Manual for the BDI, with some adaptations, where the percentages were in the range 79% to 89%, and the selling price calculated before and after the application of this method came to be 25% higher, ie, to hold spending on the backbone of today, the company should have an annual turnover 85% higher than it had in 2011.