O sistema ERP em uma empresa de construção civil: um estudo de caso

At present the construction industry has been highlighted by the search for innovations. Production systems have undergone numerous transformations, requiring more skilled work, giving priority to meeting deadlines and striving for product quality. Innovations and the improvement of labor resulted i...

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Autor principal: Gomes, Luís Aparecido da Silva
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/19102
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Resumo: At present the construction industry has been highlighted by the search for innovations. Production systems have undergone numerous transformations, requiring more skilled work, giving priority to meeting deadlines and striving for product quality. Innovations and the improvement of labor resulted in reducing the lead time¹ production, requiring a new conception of planning, this study highlights the challenges to the implementation of the ERP system (Integrated Management System) in organizational strategic actions in a company in the construction industry. The objective of this study is to compare a planning system conducted by controlling spreadsheets with the ERP system also aims to put together a modeling which promotes gains in allocation of labor resources, the planning team. The method used to compare the two systems is the measurement time, were used for this timesheet data system (activity management table), and modeling was linear programming, or more specifically the graphic geometric method. They were harvested engineer testimonials responsible for system implementation and also the chief of general planning, measurement data were used as provided by the company, costs related to the allocation of resources in the system use. Also the main difficulties in implementation were studied. The results show that the ERP system proved to be more effective compared to the runtime compared to the spreadsheet system, and that modeling reduces spending on manpower allocation for system operation.