Agregando valores de marketing em uma locadora de frota de veículos com a utilização dos 4P'S

Has as its object of analysis values marketing in a rental car, using the 4 Ps, and develop mechanisms to help the market increasingly competitive and highly volatile we are exacerbated due to globalization that brings several changes the environment of any organization. Know more about the market p...

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Autor principal: Lucca, Nicole Caroline
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Has as its object of analysis values marketing in a rental car, using the 4 Ps, and develop mechanisms to help the market increasingly competitive and highly volatile we are exacerbated due to globalization that brings several changes the environment of any organization. Know more about the market performance and that the duty to act will be a major factor in this study, their market opportunities, what are your products and services, for selling what the public wants to buy at a price they can afford, is the way the success and financial returns promised to investors. Through planning of Marketing to analyze market segmentation , their prices , quality customer service and car rental services offered as well as status and personal satisfaction of each client . So the question is how effective the marketing planning management companies, especially in rental studied, since the effectiveness of your marketing plan is grounded. It is understood that positioning begins with actually differentiating the company's marketing offer, which makes consumers realize they are getting more value than competitors so the positioning chosen to achieve greater competitive advantage is differentiation for services and differentiation by the image. The lack of understanding of customers' wishes and the failure or lack of communication and information between departments has great contribution to it. No use a company to be the best in the distribution if it has nothing to distribute the product or if it distributes so perfectly does not please customers. Likewise, there is no point having the lowest cost, best advertisement, being a perfection in finance, quality, etc. if the customer is not satisfied with the product and or service.