Leitura e contação de histórias na educação infantil: caminhos de uma prática pedagógica

Numerous technological advances have reached corporations, philanthropic institutions, homes and schools, but they have reaped the value of a pedagogical practice that has existed for a long time: reading and storytelling is necessary. It was considered realize a case study in a School of Public Inf...

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Autor principal: Silva, Fabrine Brasil da
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/20632
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Resumo: Numerous technological advances have reached corporations, philanthropic institutions, homes and schools, but they have reaped the value of a pedagogical practice that has existed for a long time: reading and storytelling is necessary. It was considered realize a case study in a School of Public Infantile Education, School Unit (UE) in the city of São José dos Campos, in the state of São Paulo, through the survey of its faculty, in order to verify its understanding on the need and importance of reading and telling stories for children aged between 2 (two) to 6 (six) years. The theoretical basis of the present work presented three dimensions on the literary universe of children, Early Childhood Education and reading, a “Special Project” of the studied network and the specificities of reading and storytelling. An applied research do with the objective of exploring the teaching activity, approaching the problem in a qualitative research. The analysis of the collected information allowed the understanding of the results, practices and expectations of the respondents, especially recognized in the last question, in which they unanimously consider it feasible do their activities in an even better way. From the path of a pedagogical practice, Early Childhood teachers encourage them to read and tell more and more stories to children daily. Guaranteeing children’s right to learn, with the essential nutrients for their integral development, encouraging imagination, creativity, creating new habits, arousing emotions and feelings, leading them to the door of children’s literature. Therefore, the present work proposes a contribution to the teachers of prereading students, by correlating the need, possibility and importance of reading and storytelling in Early Childhood Education, as well as its application as a teaching method and technique.