TDAH: uma abordagem sobre o transtorno e a possibilidade de intervenção pedagógica para o desenvolvimento do aluno

This work had as a theme to address the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the possible pedagogical interventions só that the student develops and has a better quality of life. For this, concepts, causes and characteristics were presented, the greatest difficulties encountered by the patie...

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Autor principal: Salviato, Helton Rodrigo
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This work had as a theme to address the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the possible pedagogical interventions só that the student develops and has a better quality of life. For this, concepts, causes and characteristics were presented, the greatest difficulties encountered by the patient in both childhood and adult life, the importance of diagnosis and medical treatment, how to manage the disorder, both by the family and school só that the child feels motivated to learn. Through this approach, it was possible to infer that the disorder presents in an isolated and / or joint manner, but the attention factor is part of any diagnostic result. Some methods were presented such as playfulness, art, strategies for reading and writing to work with the child. It is a bibliographical research that through the theoretical references it was possible to expand knowledge about the disorder. In complementation was carried out field research in two Teaching Institutions being a Municipal School elementary school I and State College Secondary Education, as data collection was realized interview with the classroom teacher and observation in normal room and resources in order to perceive behaviors and development of the students with the disorder in the activities. As results of the surveys, some interventions were proposed for the main teaching disciplines and according to the series, highlighting the importance of the role and performance of the educator. It concludes by stating that there is a possibility of student development when the student has medical supervision, when the family works together with the school, because the student needs the stimulus to get involved in what is required.