Características sócio-econômicas das crianças e adolescentes trabalhadoras do município de Goioerê - Paraná

There is a worldwide anxiety about the results of child labor andtheir representation on income and educational level of children and adolescents. This study aims to present socio-economic impacts of child labor in Goioerê-Pr . We performed a descriptive statistical analysis using as database the Ce...

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Autor principal: Barreto, José Reginaldo Alencar
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: There is a worldwide anxiety about the results of child labor andtheir representation on income and educational level of children and adolescents. This study aims to present socio-economic impacts of child labor in Goioerê-Pr . We performed a descriptive statistical analysis using as database the Census conducted in 2000 and implemented by the IBGE, which shows that labor forceis comprised of Goioerê 14,168 individuals, and this total is 1,427aged 10 to 17 years. For children and adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, most have five to eight years of study and belong tofamilies with per capita income of two minimum wages, and49.26% working and are not paid and not 39.06% have a formal contract and 83.54% belong to families where the head has less than 4 years of study. However, for adolescents aged 15 to 17 years 87.08% were working at the time of the survey, 3.24% are illiterate, that adolescents in this age group residing in urban areas 80.04% 9.79% work only belong from families whoseincome per capita is three times the minimum wage, 48.14% ofadolescent work and have no formal contract, 15.20% are from families where the head has more than eight years of study. The major concern is that the work done by children and adolescentsmay be terminated only when the income transfer policy and education to reach the family as a whole, required for the exercise of citizenship because of a better world.