Estratégias e ferramentas digitais na aprendizagem da química

This work presents a study on active strategies with diversified activities and digital tools such as didactic sequence, investigative activity, games (gamification), clickertype applications and simulation and / or construction software. To mitigate the challenges related to the teaching-learning o...

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Autor principal: Silva, Márcio Evaristo da
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
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Resumo: This work presents a study on active strategies with diversified activities and digital tools such as didactic sequence, investigative activity, games (gamification), clickertype applications and simulation and / or construction software. To mitigate the challenges related to the teaching-learning of the chemical discipline, making the student more participative in the process, digital strategies and tools that contributed to greater participation, interactivity and motivation of the students were investigated. And, also, from the teacher's perspective, it would be a facilitator for the applicability of concepts and dynamism in teaching and learning assessment. The presence of diversified strategies and digital tools contributed to motivation, interactivity and increased performance and / or retention of the knowledge covered. In the didactic sequence (S.D.), it was found that the ordering of the application of activities involving strategies and digital tools were important facilitating resources. In the investigative activity, it was observed that its development based on plurality, both in relation to interdisciplinarity and in terms of methodologies, favored the process of learning the chemical concepts of organic, atoms, chemical elements, chemical bonds, molecular geometry, properties and reactivity, biochemistry among others. And, in the strategy “Games (gamification), applications, simulation software”, it was noted that when such technologies are used as a pedagogical resource, together with other strategies, there is greater efficiency in the process of learning the knowledge of chemistry addressed. Finally, it is highlighted that the diversified strategies with digital tools favored the student's posture as proactive in the learning process. In which the role of the teacher should be a guide and mediator, between activities and students, with a reflective posture, becoming a subject of the teachinglearning process.