O ensino de ciências na educação inclusiva: atuação dos professores e metodologias desenvolvidas

This work had as its theme to carry out a bibliographic survey in relation to the inclusive education of students with special needs in the regular school system, as well as the challenges faced by students and teachers in science teaching. The process of including students with special needs is a c...

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Autor principal: Trentini, Caroline Portilho
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/26865
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Resumo: This work had as its theme to carry out a bibliographic survey in relation to the inclusive education of students with special needs in the regular school system, as well as the challenges faced by students and teachers in science teaching. The process of including students with special needs is a challenging task, in the theoretical part and the legislation can seem to be an easy path, however the reality found in classrooms is different, and the care and attention that students need they do not fit in conventional methods, therefore new structures, processes and didactic practices must be developed and applied aiming at the adequate learning of all inclusion students. From the evaluation of the works published in the area of interest, the bibliographic survey demonstrated several educational resources that can be used, contributing to student learning from pedagogical practices and resources that increase the motivation and interest of students with disabilities and/or special needs, providing alternatives for teaching Science in the inclusion school environment, respecting the limits and uniqueness of each student. However, there is a need for continued training for teachers, as well as for the entire school team, in order to achieve learning objectives effectively. For the inclusion of students with disabilities and/or special needs to happen effectively, it is necessary to have teachers and school managers who are active and committed to learning that reflect and seek strategies that involve tools and methods that allow the teaching learning of these students.