Analisando e contribuindo com o ensino de matemática financeira em nível básico

In this work, a bibliographic research was conducted, where the National Curricular Parameters, the National Textbook Program, articles on Financial Education and Financial Literacy were consulted, with the main objective of presenting a proposal for teaching Financial Mathematics in Basic Education...

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Autor principal: Fellini, Eperson Albino
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2018
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Resumo: In this work, a bibliographic research was conducted, where the National Curricular Parameters, the National Textbook Program, articles on Financial Education and Financial Literacy were consulted, with the main objective of presenting a proposal for teaching Financial Mathematics in Basic Education, with situations from the day to day of the students, contributing with their Financial Education, so that they know, for example, the best option in a purchase or an investment. More important than decorating formulas is to develop a contextualized view of the importance of Financial Mathematics in the student´s formation as a citizen.