Vidas que falam: ancestralidade africana na diáspora paranaense

“Vidas que falam” redeems the actions of social actors from Curitiba and its Metropolitan Region, in various fields, regarding the promotion of African ancestry and the strengthening of black conscience. This study seeks not only to praise their work, but also to spread their narratives as positive...

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Principais autores: Queiroz, Ivo Pereira de (org.), Vanali, Ana Crhistina (org.), Kominek, Andrea Maila Voss (org.)
Formato: Livro
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: EDUTFPR 2019
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Resumo: “Vidas que falam” redeems the actions of social actors from Curitiba and its Metropolitan Region, in various fields, regarding the promotion of African ancestry and the strengthening of black conscience. This study seeks not only to praise their work, but also to spread their narratives as positive means for creating a society based on equality. These actors contribute, personal and professionally, to eradicate the myths concerning black African peoples, disseminated in several contexts of Brazilian society, especially in schools. African ancestry values respect towards nature and elderly people, as wise guardians of the stories that shape us as individuals and as a community. This knowledge, however, is dissipated through oral tradition, claiming systematization, valorization and universalization in academic literature. This study intends to right this wrong, bringing a little part of the valuable treasure through the narratives of individuals that represent African ancestry models to the academic ambiance. May these “Vidas que falam” be the example of the Brazilian society that we seek and intend to build! May the new generations acknowledge these models and mirror them! This is the mission this project means to accomplish.