Uma análise dialógica do discurso sobre o trabalho docente no gênero meme

Facing the technological revolution, the internet’s popularization and the increase of the information access speed, the subject seeks new ways to communicate and express his opinions, and this occurs through different genres, in this case, digital genres. The teacher's work is one of the theme...

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Autor principal: Testa, Luana Fossatti
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Facing the technological revolution, the internet’s popularization and the increase of the information access speed, the subject seeks new ways to communicate and express his opinions, and this occurs through different genres, in this case, digital genres. The teacher's work is one of the themes which is brought up by different genres. It is possible to observe that the current Brazilian educational context faces serious problems. These are represented in texts of these genres. Given that, this study has as a general-purpose to analyze how the teacher's work is represented in a digital genre that circulates on Facebook, known as meme genre. From the perspective of the Dialogic Discourse Analysis (ADD), it is considered how the interaction and dialogical relationships occur in memes; identifying, from voices, the teacher's work evaluations. This research is based on theoretical concepts of Bakhtin and the Circle (1997; 2010; 2014; 2016) and contributions from Brait (2018), Faraco (2009), Sobral (2009), and Sobral and Giacomelli (2016) as a reference for ADD concepts and studies. Also Machado (2007) and Machado and Bronckart’s (2009), for the concept of teaching work, Marcuschi (2005) and Sardinha’s (2011), who conceptualize digital genres, and Lisbon (2015) and Santos’ (2015), who developed research on the digital meme genre, works were taken as theoretical references. Examples of this genre were selected for analysis in which the teacher's work is shown as the main theme. In general, the results show that the meme differs from other genres, not only due to its rapid spread ability but mainly because it is created and recreated by any subject with varied themes, which retract, most of the time, social problems in a critical way by using humor. In relation to the teaching work, the analyzed memes present concern themes in relation to the teacher’s work; the charges the teacher suffers from the supposed lack of students’ motivation, problems related to infrastructure, which prevent their work from being carried out with the desired success; many tasks to perform, stress, demotivation, illness, and professional and financial devaluation. It is observed that the society's voice, in general, considers that the teacher's work would not require much effort. What contrasts with the teachers’ voice which considers that their work requires a lot of effort, dedication and overcoming challenges. It is aimed that this research could contribute to the school and academic environment and could be used by the teacher, both in elementary and high school, so they can develop activities in the classroom with the discursive genre. This study also could be used in undergraduate courses, so that academics could reflect critically on the educational reality they will face in the future. It could be also used in teacher training and studies developed by researchers or research groups focused on teaching work, discourse genres and dialogism.