Redes sociais temáticas e a troca de informações de produtos pelos consumidores: desenvolvimento e análise de uma aplicação para compartilhamento de promoções de cerveja

The popularization of the Internet and smartphones has changed the way people communicate and socialize. In this context, the social networks were established as a model of entertainment, work and business, with an undeniable democratic and inclusion power, transcending borders and social classes. C...

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Principais autores: Centenaro, Gabriel, Mattos, Gregório Ivanchechen de
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The popularization of the Internet and smartphones has changed the way people communicate and socialize. In this context, the social networks were established as a model of entertainment, work and business, with an undeniable democratic and inclusion power, transcending borders and social classes. Commerce has followed this trend, and as companies joined the Internet, commercial activities began to integrate the network, allowing e-commerce to launch. Afterward, following the social evolution and social networks popularization on the web, the concept has expanded itself to what is known as social commerce, which includes products and services evaluation and pricing comparison, in other words, the interaction between people in order to promote commerce. Among the social commerce possibilities, price sharing and comparison is especially interesting for some products. Thus, the present study aims to design and evaluate a mobile application concept, with a thematic social network whose theme is deals sharing. In order to do so, the defined product scope was beverages, due to items like beer suffering from high rates of price elasticity. This document details the design phases of that system, making use of the design science methodology.