Modelagem da cinética de secagem e caracterização físico-química do bagaço de malte da produção de cerveja artesanal

The beer is one of the most consumed drinks in the world. In its fabrication process, various residues are generated. Among them, stand out the brewer’s spent grain. This residue is generated abundantly, and it is intrinsic to the process. In this way, it is necessary to reuse it. However, this resi...

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Autor principal: Ceccato, Bruno Telli
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The beer is one of the most consumed drinks in the world. In its fabrication process, various residues are generated. Among them, stand out the brewer’s spent grain. This residue is generated abundantly, and it is intrinsic to the process. In this way, it is necessary to reuse it. However, this residue contains a high value of moisture, which makes it impossible to store it for long periods of time. With this, the drying of this material becomes a viable option, not only to avoid its degradation by microorganisms, but also to reduce the volume occupied by it. In this way of sense, the present work had the objective of studying and proposing a model that describes the drying kinetics of brewer’s spent grain. From the Lewis equation, the drying kinetic was analyzed for three different temperatures. For this, the software MATLAB® was used for the computational routines, since obtaining analytical solutions usually becomes impractical or arduous, and therefore, the use of numerical methods provides its validation. With the production of the craft beer, the brewer’s spent grain was separated and the experimental data of its drying were obtained. Thus, a mathematical model was fitted based on the Lewis equation, by considering that the mass transfer coefficient (k) varied exponentially with moisture, and it was compared with a model of constant k (Newton’s model). In addition, the parameters and the model used were validated using histograms and qqplots (quantil vs quantil) of the residues, as well as the Mean Squared Errors. Very low errors were reached with the model with a variable k, showing that the drying of brewer’s spent grain can be represented by the proposed model. In addition, in order to study the best destinations for this dry material, brewer’s spent grain was physical-chemically characterized, its properties were analyzed and the best destinations for this product with great economic potential were established.