A influência da comunicação na satisfação dos clientes de escritórios de arquitetura

Communication has stimulated the academic and professional interest of management in general. The planning and management of communication should be taken into account as a strategy, strengthening the organization towards competitors and developing interaction with the internal and external public....

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Autor principal: Sassaki, Bruna Harumi
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/19119
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Resumo: Communication has stimulated the academic and professional interest of management in general. The planning and management of communication should be taken into account as a strategy, strengthening the organization towards competitors and developing interaction with the internal and external public. The general objective of this work was to analyze how communication can affect the performance of architecture offices and consequently customer satisfaction. Therefore, the present work consists of the research of the theoretical referential related to the theme and relative subjects. Subsequently, questionnaires were used and interviews were conducted with employees from relevant architecture offices in the city of Curitiba-Pr, from small to medium size, aiming at the relationship between theoretical and practiced content analysis. It was possible to verify how communication problems occur frequently in these offices, regardless of the regular exchange of information and the available tools. Finally, we identify faults and diagnose improvements, enabling correct actions to lead to a sustainable communication management. This monograph shows how good planning, the right tools, and ongoing practices of this process can become effective and bring satisfaction to the organization as a whole.