Marketing digital como estratégia de lançamento de um novo negócio: um estudo de caso da empresa Caminho do Chá

The central objective of this study is the investigation about the importance of the Relationship Marketing and Digital Marketing as a means of creating link between company and clients before the release of a business and how these strategies can be maintained and explored after the opening of the...

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Autor principal: Trevisol, Rubia Sibelly Mussi
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The central objective of this study is the investigation about the importance of the Relationship Marketing and Digital Marketing as a means of creating link between company and clients before the release of a business and how these strategies can be maintained and explored after the opening of the enterprise. To achieve the proposed objective was conducted a single case study, through in-depth interviews with the owner of a tea house in Curitiba, as well as secondary data analysis of social media used as communication tools. The study achieved as a result of the analysis how efficient it was the strategy used for the Company Caminho do Chá and the analyzed data allowed also identify actions proposals for area scholars that can be better explored and can provide best results and return still more efficient such as to guarantee greater lifetime, sustainability and continuity of the enterprise.