Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta didática para o ensino de controle baseada no sistema de pêndulo invertido sobre barra deslizante

The inverted pendulum is directly linked to the study of control systems, as it involves several practical and theoretical concepts and can be used as a good didactic tool in engineering classes. However, students may not always visualize these concepts in a practical way through these types of syst...

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Autor principal: Calliari, Thiago Bernhard
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
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Resumo: The inverted pendulum is directly linked to the study of control systems, as it involves several practical and theoretical concepts and can be used as a good didactic tool in engineering classes. However, students may not always visualize these concepts in a practical way through these types of systems, sometimes creating a lack of motivation in the study of the topic. Thus, its application in a didactic module seeks to improve the involvement between theory and practice for both students and teachers, serving as a stimulus to capture the attention of students so that they care more about the classes, bringing benefits to didactics for the subjects applied. Therefore, there are currently two educational modules in operation: the Camargo ball and bar system (2018), and the Medeiros wind levitation system (2019), both based on digital control. In this scenario, it was implemented the inverted pendulum system on a one-dimensional movable platform in a sliding bar, to stabilize it in a fully erect position, aiming at easy handling, reduced cost and good didactics. Such system has a digital PID controller (proportional integral derivative) implemented in Arduino and a software interface, which present concepts in a guided way, as well as allowing the configuration of parameters. The prototype performed satisfactorily after the addition of the empirically tuned digital PID which furthermore managed to correct the position of the auction to keep it balanced, even in the presence of external disturbances. The software has an intuitive and easy to use interface, where you can monitor the pendulum's behavior in real time.