Análise qualitativa e quantitativa da concepção discente sobre a proposta da ludicidade como recurso ao ensino de ciências enfatizando a contextualização

This work had as its theme, the use of play through the use of bingo game, emphasizing the endangered animals in Brazil, together with its classification within the discipline of Natural Sciences, with the students of the fourth year of the initial series. Through action research,he sought to unders...

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Autor principal: Albuquerque, Cristiane dos Santos
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: This work had as its theme, the use of play through the use of bingo game, emphasizing the endangered animals in Brazil, together with its classification within the discipline of Natural Sciences, with the students of the fourth year of the initial series. Through action research,he sought to underst and bingo as a playful proposal in the process of teaching learning, recognizing it as an important pedagogical tool in the cognitive, social and affective development of the student. The activity can be considered as a facilitator in the assimilation of the proposed knowledge, since the game helps the learner assimilate the content and the proposed concepts more easily. It allows the learner, the knowledge of the rules, the awakening of the imagination ,the elevation of their self-esteem and the improvement of the school conviviality. The research was divided into stages, the first with a theoretical foundation on the importance of the Natural Sciences, playfulness and games discipline. The second is characterized in the application of the research and last analysis of the data. It was concluded that the bingo game resource based on playfulness provided an abundance of learning, allowing also the discussion of a topic of great relevance for future generations.