Desenvolvimento de metodologia para sistematização de aquisição de gêneros da alimentação escolar de municípios da região Oeste do Paraná

Family farming sustains the production of 70% of the food that is on the consumer's table, being the 8th producer of food in the world and the largest Brazilian company, adding 3,897,408 rural establishments. These food are healthier, natural and diversified, fresh, nutritious, respecting local...

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Autor principal: Bertolini, Maria Madalena
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: Family farming sustains the production of 70% of the food that is on the consumer's table, being the 8th producer of food in the world and the largest Brazilian company, adding 3,897,408 rural establishments. These food are healthier, natural and diversified, fresh, nutritious, respecting local eating habits, reducing the consumption of industrialized products. In this sense, this research aimed to develop electronic spreadsheets incorporating technology to farmers and employees in the act of delivery and receipt of products, in order to optimize the process of acquisition, control and distribution of foodstuffs, following the precepts of the Federal Law No. 11,947/2009. This law determines that at least 30% of the resources transferred by the National Fund for the Development of Education - FNDE, to the National School Feeding ProgramPNAE, must be used to purchase food products from family farming. The instrument developed in this study will make it possible to control and record the application and administration of 30% of the PNAE resources. A bibliographic and documentary survey, elaboration and application of questionnaires with administrative employees, involved in the process of controlling school meals and farmers who deliver products from family agriculture, in the municipalities of Serranópolis do Iguaçu, Medianeira, Missal, Ramilândia in the western region of Paraná, were used as data collection. It was observed that the municipalities carry out the Public Bidding on an annual basis and the control on receipt occurs physically, with 44% of the producers using printed spreadsheets and 56% using carbon receipts, 43% deliver to educational institutions, 29% at the Education Department, and 28% at the cooperatives. This research pointed out that 45% of the producers joined the program for contributing to the improvement of their income, and 23% for being a safe market and providing a programmed income. It was observed that the municipalities have few suppliers of meat produts, due to the requirements of adaptations to attend the sanitary rules as the high cost of production as well. The control of delivery and receipt of the products is done physically, using receipt blocks and printed worksheets. It was noted that 75% of the employees stated that the control is efficient and 25% said that it could be improved, and 100% wanted to improve the control. Considering the validation of the spreadsheets developed in this study, 87% of the administrative employees stated that they met all control needs, with 87% rated it as excellent and 13% as very good. The electronic spreadsheet technology developed in this research will facilitate the work of the administrative employees involved with the school food service, as well as assist rural farmers in controlling the production of food for municipal governments, maximizing their operational time of activities, in addition to form a database for future planning by both the producer and public bodies.