O uso do gênero textual WebQuest como incentivo para a aprendizagem colaborativa dos alunos de um curso técnico profissionalizante

The present study was developed through applied research in the People Management discipline of a state educational institution, located in the northern region of the state of Paraná. The question that guides the research is: the use of the textual genre WebQuest encourages the collaborative learnin...

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Principais autores: Gonçalves, Marcia Caroline Pereira, Santos, Givan José Ferreira dos, Oliveira, Jair de
Formato: Artigo
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Londrina 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/30280
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Resumo: The present study was developed through applied research in the People Management discipline of a state educational institution, located in the northern region of the state of Paraná. The question that guides the research is: the use of the textual genre WebQuest encourages the collaborative learning of students of the Professional Technical Course in Administration? In line with this issue, it was proposed to carry out a task, that students should access the WebQuest entitled “Entrepreneurial Profle” and perform the available activity. This research is considered, as its objective, as exploratory; as for the procedures, such as survey and quali-quantitative approach. Sixteen students participated in the study and data collection occurred in the frst semester of 2019. According to the students’ answers, it was found that 75% feel more satisfed in carrying out activities in a collaborative way, therefore, it was identifed that the use of the textual genre WebQuest proves to be productive for scientifc learning in an educational environment in process collaborative work.